If you ever debated about the power of the consumer to communicate THEIR version of a destination AND offer travel advice to others, in two languages, then take a look at this.

Diane Davis from Gander NL recently posted about her friends Edwin and Hilda who have visited Newfoundland several times and loved it so much they have taken to promoting it as a passion. Offering visitor information in English and Dutch, they respond to inquiries, particularly from Europe, and provide trip planning advice to help people plan their visit.
Check out their website.
This takes blogging to a whole new level and is driven by a travellers’ desire to share the destination through their own eyes. Not the PMO, not the DMO, the RTA or the business. Talk about a positive impression to inspire such action.
Businesses wake up! You must engage online – strategically and thoughtfully.
It is so curious to me that some businesses still don’t have a website (yes it is true). Others remain afraid of TripAdvisor (#1 trusted source and only requires your time), and the killer reasons: (1) I don’t have time to invest in all the online options (2) I don’t understand where to invest (3) I can’t afford it. You could have the best business in the world, but if visitors don’t know about you, can’t find you online you will be less and less relevant in the consideration set of travellers each year. Sure your local and loyals will continue to provide business – but what happens when they stop and you haven’t kept up with the world!
Many travellers don’t know what Destination marketing/management organizations are, so when they are google searching and a site like Edwin and Hilda’s one comes up – looks professional, has more information than many tourism businesses offer – who would you believe? Trust? If I was the DMO – I’d thank them for their passion and ask them to put a link to the official sites!!!