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  • Writer's pictureNancy Arsenault

Sold out in a heartbeat!

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

Now which tourism partnership wouldn't want to be sold out minutes after you opening ticket sales for their 2018 season ... If you haven't heard of Dining on the Ocean Floor visitor experience, check it out.

Located at Burntcoat Head Park on the Bay of Fundy where the Guinness Book of records has declared the highest tides in the world is an iconic dining experience like none other.

Led by the team at the Flying Apron Inn and Cookery with their community partners this truly unique experience takes you on the ocean floor when the tide is out!

You begin by foraging with an expert - Jonathan Newell who immerses you in the world of local wild edibles in the park. While he has you exploring the area, a Nova Scotian local food feast is prepared, on the ocean floor by the team at the Flying Apron. Each course is carefully paired with local craft beer and cider from Meander River Farm & Brewery and award-winning Tidal Bay wine from Avondale Sky Winery.

Ate too much? That's ok as after lunch a Burntcoat Head Park guide takes you on a walk you along the ocean floor fossils, tidal pool creatures and the impact of the powerful tides on the coastline - all before the tide comes in! Six hours after your killer meal with Chef Veldon and his team - the area you dine in will be 50 feet under water! Now entering their fourth season, with dates guided by the tidal schedule, we couldn't be more proud of the tourism partners who took the risk to invest creative energy, passion, and talent to make this experience come to life.

Hats off to Nick Fry from Tourism Nova Scotia who attended GMIST's Edge of the Wedge experiential travel training program and returned to the office with other 'Edgies'. Discussions about raising the bar on the culinary experience led him to Chris and Melissa Velden who brainstormed ideas and truly raised the bar on the visitor experience in the area.

Tips from the Flying Apron and Tourism Nova Scotia's Experiential Travel Trenches ... • Focus on the potential; see the opportunity in your own backyard with fresh eyes. • Choose your experience partners wisely, be as inclusive as possible with people from your community. • Examine your differentiators and underused assets and dream big with experience ideas • Work with your provincial and municipal government colleagues who can contribute to development in ways that an individual company simply can’t do on its own. • As the experience’s popularity grows and demand increases for more of your public or private events, revisit your costs and pricing annually or even quarterly.

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