Each year, on the 11th of November we stop, reflect, and thank the service men and women who proudly served, and continue to serve our country so that we may enjoy Canada as we know it today. I'm reminded of the times when Paul Arsenault, my husband and business partner, had to leave our family to support the Bosnian and Gulf Wars. We were fortunate, he returned home. Others cannot say the same. And still others returned home only to face a lifetime of managing Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome for the atrocities they witnessed.
Today I will stand proudly beside my husband, with his service medals and blue beret. I invite you, where ever you are, to find a Remembrance Day ceremony, or pause for a prayer at 11:00 and a moment of silence to honour our soldiers. As we shape the future for generations lets ensure our behaviours reinforce tolerance over violence and education over ignorance. Lest we forget.