Today we give a special shout-out to Tourism Cafe business partner Todd Lucier, his wonderful family Northern Edge Algonquin Celebrates 21 Years(Marth, Tim, Emily and Natalie), Gregoire (their amazing chef) and everyone else at Northern Edge Algonquin.
The Windsor News just posted a fabulous article on their 21 year journey that takes saw their passion as educators be unfulfilled in a traditional classroom, yet thrive in a nature based educational retreat centre they have built to Canadian Signature Experience and Ontario Signature Experience recognized company. Follow your hearts and dreams and amazing things happen.
As the article states: “One of the benefits of the retreat is that it’s off the grid. “There are not many places in the world where people can go and be disconnected from the technology that supports their daily lives. This is a place where people can come to restore and recharge,” says Todd. “There’s something special that happens when you’re sitting at a table and someone isn’t whipping out their cellphone.”
With travelers coming from far and wide, even attracting such exotic guests as Tibetan monks and Peruvian and African shamans, Martha explains how, “we are building bridges to other cultures, and other ways of being, that are offering ways of living more fully.”
In 2009, their educational commitment extended beyond their retreat when Todd became a partner in the

– tourism training and industry development company – and was able to continue their love of education in yet another business venture.